Do you ever wake up in the morning and the first thing you think is "What the...?" Dreams are crazy! They're scary, weird, pleasant, entertaining, and above all, thought provoking! Dreams represent a world of imagery in which our darkest fears, deepest secrets, and most passionate fantasies break out from the unconscious mind. When I wake up, sometimes I remember the dream(s) in vivid detail, and sometimes they are just faint memories. Of course some mornings I wake up and don't remember dreaming at all. It's the dreams that leave me with a lingering feeling that stay with me.
It's the dreams where I can remember certain people, certain situations, and certain feelings that stick with me throughout the day, and sometimes for weeks. Why did I dream about that person? And why was I doing that with that person? Why did I wake up scared of something? What does that have to do with me and my life? Is it because whatever feelings that were evoked, are missing from my life? Is it a secret desire that I really have and won't admit to myself? Or is it some random entertaining story that my mind made up with bits and pieces of my memory and used me as the star actress? The rules of reality just simply do not apply to dreams. The other night I dreamed about someone and I can't get it or him out of my head. I keep asking myself WHY? Why, did I dream that and why him? But that's just this weeks lingering dream. Who knows what next week will bring.
I was lucky enough to be roommates with my best friend from high school while I was at college (GO PIRATES!). Even though we were two totally different people, we had a lot of the same interests and passions. Julie was obsessed with dreams. She had a lot of dream interpretation books and we loved to talk about our dreams and try to dissect them and figure out their meaning. Where Julie is now in life, I have no clue. But I sure wish she was still a part of my life so I could call her up and say, "Hey, what the hell did that mean?" Oh yah, and so I could also tell her, "Hey I have an awesome one year old son...." *sigh*
Since my recent dream has been on my mind I decided to find an online "dream dictionary" and I found several that are quite decent! If this is your kind of thing, check them out!
Wow! I'll have to check those sites out. I have some strange dreams at times too about a certain person from my past.
I once had a dream with Tom Cruise in it. He was a priest. I was in love with him in my dream. That feeling lingered for AGES after that. It took me a long time to get over Fr. Tom.
Oh, I also dream-loved JC Chasez and a guy named Rod from my high school(who smelled great).
And last night, I dreamt that the Indigo Girls were playing a concert at my old elementary school bus stop.
In otherwords, I will check out those links!
LMAO Kristie! That's why I love you!
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