Friday, April 25, 2008

The hell?

Not more than fifteen minutes ago I left the scene of an accident that I was on. (I am currently at work, and yes I rushed back so I could blog about it. What? If I didn't, thanks to the damn Topamax, I would have forgotten!) It was a two car accident with moderate damage, everyone was okay. After colliding, the two cars actually ended up in a parking lot. This parking lot is right next to a NC State Trooper station so there just so happened to be four NC State Troopers on scene, alone with the usual Fire and myself-EMS. (It was in the city limits but city PD was not on scene yet) As my partner was talking to the only patient who was complaining of injuries, and I was chatting with the fire guys-and gal, this black BMW drove amongst the emergency vehicles. The driver talks animatedly with hand gestures and with a distinct attitude to one of the troopers. The trooper naturally responds back with an attitude and a bad ass, arms across the chest, stance. The fire guys-and gal, and I are straining to hear the words being exchanged, but we can only here a few words. I hear from the driver " trying to avoid" and from the trooper "so it's my fault?"

I guess she was somehow involved in this wreck even though there is not a scratch on her shiny black high dollar BMW with Maryland tags. I glance at the driver. She's apparently okay because she's still flapping her arms and her lips at the state trooper who is clearly irritated. The front seat passenger is shaking her head and rolling her eyes. At everyone. (I wanted to go shake the piss out of her and I didn't even I have a reason). And the three in the back seat were licking their fingers as they were polishing off some chicken bones glistening with grease. I kid you not.

I turned my attention back to Bridgette (the fire gal) and we chatted about how the day was going and other random small talk. The other fire guys joined us after they finished cleaning the fluid spills. We started trying to figure out just what the hell the BMW had to do with the wreck. We speculated all kinds of stuff based on the damage, the skid marks, the fluid trails...couldn't figure it out. Finally City PD showed up and we watched the troopers talk to him for a minutes. Then he approached the BMW and talked to the driver. The City PD guy left her, shaking his head and half laughing/half grunting, and went to talk to the two actually involved in the accident.

After the City officer walked away the driver of the BMW got out of her car and approached the same trooper she was talking to earlier. She was carrying a little notepad and she was angry. Again we couldn't hear her but she obviously asked for his name because the trooper stuck out his chest where his name plate was and she wrote it down and stormed back to her car

I just couldn't stand it anymore. I had to know. What the hell was with the BMW and this wreck. So I walked over to the gaggle of troopers and to the one who appeared to be the head hauncho. And told him, "Ok. You have Fire and EMS confused. We've been trying to figure it out and we can't. What the hell does that BMW have to do with the wreck?" He chuckled, and said "Let me tell you what the hell that BMW has to do with the wreck. That BMW ran over a piece of plastic that came off of one of the vehicles after the collision in the middle of the road and she is claiming that it damaged her vehicle. She wants both of their insurance information so she can file claims against them."

THE HELL? Short for WHAT THE HELL? My friend Maria says that and now she has me saying it. Thanks M. But that is what literally came screeching out of my mouth. All of the troopers started laughing and then one told me jokingly that I should probably go check the driver out to see if she's injured too. Again, "the hell" came flying out of my mouth. Followed by, "the fuck ever".

After she got back in her vehicle, she wrote a few more things down in her little notebook and finally decided to leave. Not before nearly missing an unmarked trooper vehicle, the firetruck, and the rear end of my ambulance as she haphazardly navigated her way out of the cluster of emergency vehicles she drove right into the middle of in the first place.

*sigh* And this is why I HATE STUPID PEOPLE! But it is job security after all!

But here is one interesting little tidbit that occurred to me after the whole little incident that my partner, Larry, brought up as we were on the way to our station. There was some serious time lapse going on from when the actual impact occurred until the BMW arrived on scene. It had to have been at least, and I mean at the very least, 10 minutes since the accident occurred. Enough time had transpired for the incident to occur, 911 one to be called, and for me to drive to the accident scene (which I have documented took 8 minutes). Remember I was already on scene when this dumb ass pulled up! Larry came up with the the brilliant reason why. There's a KFC right down the road. Explains the bone lickin' greasy finger suckers in the back.


MarĂ­a said...

She sounds like a real gem. And now I want some KFC...

And isn't it easier to leave the 'what' off of sentences like that when you're really aggravated or puzzled by something?"

It is.

krave said...

She'll sue someone... or someoneS! Probably how she got the Beemer to begin with.

The Conservative Feminist said...

Here's your sign...f

Caffeine Court said...

What a finger lickin' a-hole. People like that scare the hell out of me...god forbid you look at them the wrong way-next thing you know they own your house.