Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pseudo Tagged

I really enjoy reading Such Simple Pleasures Blog. But today while reading I inadvertently got tagged! Not only did I get dinged with one meme, but there was a second one threw in there at the end. So I figure, what the hell, I'll do them both. It's not like I have bottles to wash, laundry to fold, a house to clean.... So here's 7 random facts about ME.

These are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Random fact #1:
I hate onions. I hate the smell of onions. I hate the feel of onions. I can't stand onion residue left over when I have had to remove an onion from my food. I do not like them raw, diced, chopped, minced, cooked, or sauteed. I do, however, like them fried. I like onion rings. It's the only way I will eat an onion. I know its strange! What? It's no different than you weirdo's who love ketchup but hate a tomato!

Random fact #2:
I shave my legs in the winter sporadically. Seriously. Unless I have a doctors appointment, I'm going to get a pedicure, or the hair is getting to the point where it's starting to curl, I don't bother! I'm cold natured anyway, so I'm always wearing pants. It doesn't help that I can't stand the sight of my pasty white elephant legs. A year ago my motto use to be, "tan fat is better than white fat"! But since a little brush with *almost* melanoma, tan fat is no longer an option. So these legs stay covered. Why bother with the tedious shaving if they're not to be seen by the general public? Now don't get all grossed out. It's usually only 2-3 weeks and I have blonde hair so I'm not some hairy legged amazon woman stomping around!

Random fact #3
I dread every Wednesday night. My husband is part of a dart league and has games every Wednesday night. He's gone from the house from 6:45p till 11p and after (And he usually gets home at 6p from work). So the way my work schedule is, one week (like today), is my last day of my week off from work. I go back to work the next day for a straight week of working 12 hours shifts (except on Sunday). So after running ragged all day after Alex and finally getting him in bed. I then have to make sure all the house stuff is done and everything is in order for me to return back to work. On the opposite Wednesday night, it is my last day of working my week. But because of darts, when I get off work at 9p (if I get off on time) I have to drive to the in-laws (joy joy), get Alex, pray he'll go to sleep at a decent hour, and after he finally does, attend to my house that has been neglected for the better part of the week. Hump day it is not.

Random fact #4
I don't like the name of my blog anymore. I don't know why. I just don't.

Random fact #5
I love to read. Before Alex I use to read a book or two a week. I started reading before Kindergarten so by the time I got to Kindergarten I was already reading at a 2nd grade level. The school of course wanted to skip me a grade, but thankfully my parents said no. They already saw how hard it was on my brother who in fact skipped kindergarten. It's a good thing, because reading was the only thing I was good at! Science and History I was fine in, but math, hell no. I hate math. Oh, and I had problem playing well with others. Now I average about a book a month. I'm still buying books like I'm reading them weekly. My husband is not thrilled with the stacks of books randomly placed all over the house.

Random fact #6
I came really close to having melanoma. There was a freckle on my lower leg that turned into a tiny mole..that got darker... and darker. It was really small but I know freckles weren't suppose to do that. So I just kept looking at it. Maybe I was waiting for it to go away. I waited for about two years. It didn't go away. So while I was on maternity leave I decided to make an appointment with the dermatologist. She of course dug it out and sent it to pathology. It came back. And they called and said I needed to give them a call about my pathology report. I forgot to return the phone call, more than once. I was busy was a newborn!! So finally I got a letter that said HEY DUMBASS, your pathology report was abnormal, call our office. Or something like that. So the result was, the mole was pre-cancer as in it was one stage below melanoma. If I would have procrastinated a few more months, it would have been melanoma. Scary. Lesson learned! Nothing like hearing you came close to having a deadly skin cancer with a 6 week old baby at home! So I had to go to a plastic surgeon who had to take an even bigger chunk out of my leg to make sure that the abnormal cells had not spread or made it to the blood vessels. Thankfully they had not. But now I have a scar like Harry Potter on my lower leg, although its not as cool. It kinda looks like a botched tattoo removal. Eh.

Random fact #7
I cuss too much. I use not to. No, I've always cussed. I mean it wasn't as bad as it is now! I drop the F bomb regularly, and thats new. Road rage is getting worse too. Is it because I'm getting older? Old and crotchety? Ha ha! Oh well, it's just something else for me to jot down in my list of things to work on.

Now technically I'm suppose to tag 7 people. But instead I'm just going to tag YOU! Yep, thats right, YOU! TAG! You read it and not you're tagged. Sucks for you! Although I am going to call one person out:


I won't tag anyone on the second one. The second meme rules are:

* Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
* Open it to page 123.
* Find the 5th sentence.
* Post the next 3 sentences.
* Tag 3 people.

Taken from Stone Cold by David Baldacci
An hour later she took a break and Milton followed her to a table outside the bar area where she sipped on a cup of coffee, an unlit cigarette dangling in her free hand. Milton said, "Mrs. Radnor?" Startled, the woman looked at him warily.


suchsimplepleasures said...

i think we are sisters!!! i despise onions the same way i despise ketchup. if a recipes calls for onions, i won't make it!!!
but, i can relate to almost ALL of your random facts!!
thanks for playing!!! even though you didn't mean to get tagged, you did a good job!!

krave said...

I love learning new things about fabulous people! Except the melanoma thing. I didn't like that. Or the hairy legs. Or the Wednesdays. OK, I want more fun things! :)

Of course, I should probably keep my mouth shut for fear of getting tagged. I don't play. I know... buzzkill. I'm no fun.

Love ya!

MarĂ­a said...

Damnitt. I'm going to kick your ass.