Tuesday, April 29, 2008

McDonald's Corruption at One Year, 2 Weeks, and 2 Days Old!

Today I bought Alex his first Happy Meal from McDonald's. On our way home from Alex's one year well check (yah, great time to do it!) I called my friend Temple who was currently driving half across the state with her daughter Mary Ruth. They just so happened to be stopped at a McDonald's enjoying some lunch! Mary Ruth was munching on her first happy meal and Temple was lamenting about buying her first happy meal! After we hung up and I continued driving home I realized I was hungry. And there was no food at the house. Lo and behold there was a McDonald's on the way home! (Who doesn't have a McDonald's on the way home, really?)

So I ordered Alex his first happy meal. A four piece chicken nugget with apple dippers and an apple juice. I have no clue how much I paid for all of that. Too much I'm sure. Because I think all in all, Alex ate 1 1/2 chicken nuggets and about 3 apple slices. The juice box is still in the fridge. We drink 75% water with our juice around here. I was initially really excited because I thought Alex ate 3 chicken nuggets! But no, he fed some to the dog and when I picked him up from his high chair he was sitting on several pieces that probably made up another half. That again, went to the dog. So I added some Gerber Yogurt Melts (those rock!) and called it a meal. Whatever works.

I don't feel guilty for stopping at McDonald's. His lunch was probably healthier than if he had eaten a Gerber Graduates meal. Have you ever looked at the label on those things? Hello sodium! Plus the anal retentive in me peeled away most of the breading and just gave him the chicken. At least I hope it was chicken. They claim its all white meat. Who's white meat, I'm not sure. As long as its not Michael Jackson's...

I hate being a fa
t person. I hate that my husband is fat. At least we're not FAT fat. Just overweight fat, but not like holy shit look at them fat! I know I have poor eating habits and that my husbands are even worse. At least I eat vegetables. Stupid man. I'm worried that Alex is going to be overweight. So I scrutinize and over analyze everything I feed him. Trying to make sure he's eating enough veggies, and fruits. But I don't want to deny him anything either, like red meat. I would hurt someone if they took away my steak. Now candy and sugars and such, I have no problem denying him. Like juice. To me that is just wasted calories and so bad for the teeth! I know what my problem is. I need to cook. I need to learn to cook more and like it. *In my whiny voice* But I don't want to! I hate all the prepping, and cooking, and then cleaning, for 20 minutes of eating! Grrrrrr! Any advice in that area would be great.

It's so sad that I was thrilled today at Alex's one year well check that his weight fell into the 75th percent
ile instead of the 90th percentile, where it's been since he was 2 weeks old. His noggin's still in the 90% though, ha ha! Poor little guy, his height dipped under the 50th percentile. Oh well, he's going to be short like his parents. No shocker there.

Well, my first 30 minutes of my precious nap time were wasted cleaning the gazillion parts of the only sippy cups that Alex adores. Why can't that child learn to tilt a cup UP? He insists on straws. And the straw cups come with parts. I hate parts. Parts I have to wash. And lose. Oh well. So I've heard from a few different Speech Language Pathologists, straws are better in the long run. And the last 45 minutes were devoted to this blog. Now I suppose I should go do some housework. I have laundry to fold, laundry to wash, dishes to put away, strawberries drying in the drain waiting to be sliced, toys to straighten..... yet my big fluffy red couch and the TV looks awful inviting with my entirely too many DVR'd shows to be watched.....


krave said...

Did the Happy Meal make him happy?? And I didn't see any mention of the toy that came with it!

I am obsessed with my crockpot, seriously. It's minimal prep, volumes of food, and minimal cleanup!! And you can freeze smaller portions and make new dishes a few times per week so you have a nice variety. Plus, the meat usually ends up tender enough for little mouths with only a handful of teeth...

MarĂ­a said...

McDonald's addictive as shit. You've opened the floodgates now. Everytime you ride by you'll be like "Hmm...I really don't feel like cooking...Alex would love a happy meal...they make him sooo happy."

At least that's what happened to me. And I ♥ cooking.

I'm tired of being fat too - but I'm with you - at least I eat vegetables - Jason won't touch one if it's not on a salad, and he's picky there too.

We should work out. Pfftt!!!!

The Conservative Feminist said...

Nice. Calling me out. I got apples and milk, people!!!

Anonymous said...

Was the toy an Oprah anti-christ figurine?

Karen said...

That is so funny that you introduced him to McD's. No turing back now. However, for us it is "Chips" aka Mexican. McD's is 2nd on the list with my 2.

Anonymous said...

Hey there J, it was good to see you today. I didn't mean to accost you before you could even order your food! I don't have your email address, so this is the only way I know to write you. Anyway, you don't have to post this as an actual comment. Just wanted to let you know that I still miss you all and your energy and wit. Sucks that it all went down the way it did. Not rehashing--just thinking fondly of y'all. Leslie